Saturday, August 30, 2008

Draft Treatise

Draft treatise has been the focus of attention for the last couple of weeks as it is due next week (5th September).

I am attempting to try to ensure all the information required is contained in the initial pages. As the later parts of the treatise can't be completed yet.

I want to describe and explain various aspects and give background information about the project so that reader should be able to pick it up without having to read other texts. Also i have thought about the experimental stages of the thesis however at this point of time nothing is set in concrete so I'm not a 100% exactly what types of experiments i will run to test the system.

Also in terms of implementation i have been looking at the code, In the upcoming days i hope to continue working. I'm looking at seeing how the system will work if i serialize and store the semantic space (after SVD reduction) and restore it. Comparing this with the current way will show what type of speed difference there is.

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